Kings Russell offers a free Valuation of Items for auction for clients of

  • Valuation for auction is offered as a free service and should not be used as a guide for a probate or insurance valuation.
  • Our valuation is offered to you without handling the item, but solely by looking at photographs which you provide. Photographs of items do not reveal all details or issues in an item, and handling an item may reveal further issues or advantages of an item which would affect our valuation for auction.
  • Valuations are offered as a market guide for that period for the range of prices which equivalent items have achieved at auction. Selling prices to be achieved at auction very much depends on the market on that particular auction period for a particular auction house.
  • You have the option to consign your item to auction with Kings Russell Auctioneers. We reserve the right the re-value your item upon handling the actual object.
  • Valuations are offered subject to our Terms and Conditions

Antique retail sales

There are a range of online antique retail websites available for the purchasing of fine art, antiques and collectables. Each offers a different range of services and markets to the retail buyer. The antique auction sectors and the antique retail sectors are complementary to each other.


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